

Grand Damme

Solihull Spring


Welcome to my blog. I am quite new on this environment, so I will appreciate any comments or advice from some more experienced bloggers.

Photography is one of my biggest hobbies, so I am posting some of my favorite pictures. They are for sale as well, so if you are interested, write me an email.

I took this one on March 21st, during the Spring Equinox festivities in México. As you know, before the Spaniards had arrived to America, our culture used to be polytheist. We use to have a God for water, dead, wind, sun and agriculture among others.

With the Sun, Earth was one of our main Goddesses and during the Spring Equinox, our ancestors used to prepare an offering that would include fruits, vegetables, seeds, flowers, candles and some times even small animals (yes, a little sacrifice). They would also dress up in order to perform a ceremonial dance to thank mother earth for everything she had gave us during the past year.

Some Mexicans still follow this tradition -joining dancing groups, for which they need to find a place where the earth is “open”, which means to find a spot where there is a cave in front of which they would perform the ceremony.

On this picture, the dress is original and the hat is made of real bird feathers (no animals were killed to get the feathers, though).


Le jardin des invalides


My owl pet - Pollo

This little owl was given to us being just a baby, with a broken wing and many days without eating, he was weak and shy... but soon after he arrived he started eating a bit -and gained about 25 grams in two weeks. Now he is a happy bird. He has shown to have a lot of character and has won our hearts.

We don´t think we will be able let him go due to his problem with his wing, so he has become our adoptive son... owl.

Prayers - Notre Dame

Wheel - Les invalides



Les invalides

Amapolas II
